Two Places by the Sea - Tveir staðir við sjávarsíðuna
Members of a well-established photography group in Akureyri Iceland - ÁLFkonur - were paired up with members of an ad hoc group of photographers in Portobello. Each pair worked with a different theme, some looking at the landscape and setting of the two places while others looked at more personal aspects of life in the two coastal communities.
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Félagskonur í rótgrónum íslenskum ljósmyndaklúbbi, ÁLFkonur á Akureyri, fóru í para-samstarf með meðlimum ljósmyndahóps sem stofnaður var af þessu sérstaka tilefni í Portobello, Edinborg. Pörin unnu með mismunandi þemu, þar sem sumir lögðu áherslu á landslag og staðsetningu þessara tveggja strandsamfélaga en aðrir skoðuðu persónulegri hliðar mannlífsins á báðum stöðum.
The Portobello exhibition was part of the Art Walk Porty 2020 All At Sea programme - a series of ten outdoor, socially distanced artists' projects centred around three weekends in September and October 2020. The exhibition was in place for the whole period, from 5/6 September 2020 to 17/18 October 2020 and was on the Row Porty fence, along the Prom (between The Beach House and the Pirate Park close to the foot of Bath Street). Although the outdoor exhibition has now gone this website lets you see all the images.